New York Times "Linda Hill has a rag-doll face and the manner of an ingenuous Martha Raye or Carol Burnett as she dissects contemporary life and love. Goofy and warmly engaging, she is a skillful parodist of female body language and fashion and has found a rich reservoir of fun in the romance novels and women's magazines." |
New York Post "And don't miss Linda Hill's Miss Angel Drake, a post modern Sophie Tucker in white leather, crooning, 'One Monkey Don't Stop No Show'." |
San Francisco Examiner "Taking on the personae of, in turn, her older brother, father and mother, Hill acted out a sly bit of family intrigue. In process, she carved meaty slices of family life and peeled verbal snapshots of her small-time hometown. It was a well-constructed miniature." |
San Francisco Chronicle "She not only impersonates but becomes her characters. Hill ventures into territory that she inhabits with few other comedians." |
PAPER Magazine "Don't miss this multi-talented character comedian. . ." |
West Coast Arts "A coloring book of wonderful monologues and songs by one of the finest character comedienne's working today. These characters are superbly drawn by a woman with the eye of Norman Rockwell and the wit of Elaine May" |
North Coast News "They brought a full acting company with dancers, singers, a burlesque queen-even a performance poet-and they were ALL Linda Hill. The lady is possessed of more energy ad talent than we have seen on one stage in a very long time." |